

segunda-feira, 21 de janeiro de 2013


Nasci em Viseu, sou casada(íssima) e mãe galinha de duas pimpolhas (as minhas melhores obras). Licenciada em Arquitectura pela Univ.Técn. de Lisboa, trabalhei no Arquitecto Luiz Cunha (Lx) enquanto estudante e após a Licenciatura. Durante 16 anos integrei o quadro téc. da C.M.Viseu, essencialmente ligada ao Licenciamento de Obras Particulares. Actualmente exerço a profissão liberal na área de Projecto. Nos meus “altares” alinham-se vários personagens: Na Arquitectura, Mies, Breuer, Koening, Tadao Ando, Le Corbusier, Neutra, Shindler e o nosso Souto de Moura; Na Pintura, António Quadros, Miró, Klee, Motherwell, Tàpies, Chagall e Bosch. Na Escultura, o inevitável Rodin. No “altar-mor”, Florinda (olá minha estrela boa). As cidades que me marcaram, em poucas palavras: Praga, uma joiazinha. NY, árvore-de-natal gigante (do Empire, à noite).Moscovo, um museu fabuloso. Barcelona, cidade arquitectura. Londres, espectáculo. Budapeste, fascínio e nostalgia. Rio de Janeiro, contrastes. Amsterdão, cidade cosmopolita. Viena de Áustria, cultura. Bruges, inesquecível. Paris, paixão. Lisboa, luz. Viseu, qualidade de vida


I was born in Viseu, am (very much) married and mother of two beautiful young girls (my best works). Degree in Architecture from University of Lisbon - 1991, worked in Luiz Cunha's architecture cabinet (Lisbon) as a student and after my graduation. For 16 years integrated the technical framework of the municipality of Viseu essentially attached to licensing private construction. Currently I practice the profession in the project area. In my sacred gallery I align several characters: In architecture, Mies, Breuer, Koening, Tadao Ando, Le Corbusier, Neutra, Shindler and our Souto de Moura; on painting, Antonio Quadros, Miró, Klee, Motherwell, Tàpies, Chagall and Bosch; on sculpture, the unavoidable Rodin. In the top of all, Florinda (hello my good star). Cities that have tagged me in a nutshell: Prague - a little jewel; NY - Christmas time, Empire Stat at dawn; Moscow - a fabulous museum; Barcelona - architecture city; London - show time; Budapest - fascination and nostalgia; Rio de Janeiro - contrasts; Amsterdam - cosmopolitan city; Vienna, culture; Bruges - unforgettable; Paris - passion; Lisbon - light. Viseu - quality of life.

The architecture cabinet of Ana Carvalho is devoted to projecting and consulting in architecture maters. Develops and
coordinates all projecting needed to building, establishing the
complementary group of job partnerships in view of assuring a quality service from the topographical mapping to the technical
assistance to the works.
Research or projecting in architecture, Allotments, Specialities, urbanism, town planning, licensing, coordination
of works, interior decoration, renovation  and remodelation works.

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